

Proiectele derulate de catre unitatea protejata Derzelas aduc in prim plan suportul pentru persoanele cu dizabilitati, fiind finantate din profitul obtinut in urma comercializarii produselor si prestarii serviciilor. Astfel, toate resursele financiare dobandite de catre asociatie sunt folosite pentru implementarea bazei materiale necesare desfasurarii diferitelor activitati.

In acest sens, s-a achizitionat un teren  de 2,2 hectare, in localitatea Campenesti, judetul Cluj, unde  se doreste derularea unui proiect care presupune amenajarea unor sere si a unei livezi unde sa fie amplasate case de vacanta destinate desfasurarii activitatii mestesugaresti. Tot aici, asociatia isi propune organizarea unor tabere tematice de recreere si relaxare pentru tinerii membri.

De asemenea, in localitatea Belis, din judetul Cluj, se vor organiza tabere tematice de incluziune socio-profesionala sau tabere educative. Acestea vor avea loc atat vara cat si iarna,  tinerii vor fi organizati pe serii si vor petrece o saptamana in care vor avea parte de diferite workshop-uri si activitati,  sub indrumarea si coordonarea unor persoane specializate.

Asadar, persoanele cu dizabilitati care doresc sa participe la activitatile si proiectele derulate de catre asociatie, pot deveni membri si astfel pot beneficia de suportul si sprijinul nostru.


All the projects belonging to  Authorized Protected Unit Derzelas have as a priority the full support for the persons with disabilities and are sustained by the income obtained through the commercials activities. In this way all the financial resources of the association are used to implement all these kind of activities.

In this regard  was bought 2,2 ha of agricultural land in Campenesti, Cluj county, where the Association Derzelas intends to develop a project including greenhouses and a orchard  with houses for implement there handcraft trainings for different categories of people by organizing camps.

These kind of camps will take place also in Belis, Cluj county, and their purpose will be  the social and professional inclusion or educational camps. These camps will take place both summer and winter, in one-week sessions where the participants will be involved in different types of activities developed during the workshops and under a specialized guidance and survey.

The persons with disabilities willing to be part of these projects developed by the association could become members and and could rely on our full support and guidance.

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